Server Status





Streamer Program

Do you want to stream for VisionRO? Here are some of the requirements that you have to accomplish for the streamer partnership program:

Important Notice

Your application for streaming VisionRO will be carefully reviewed by the board for approval. There will be certain areas to look at andd a criteria to follow in order to be accepted as a streaming partner. Once approved, you will be contacted by the team with a confirmatory message that states your acceptance in the streamer program. We are looking forward to working with you!

Please send us an e-mail ( of your application starting by filling-up the details below:

Full Name:
Personal Facebook Page:
Facebook Gaming Page Name: (Make sure to include proper links, urls., etc.)
A brief introduction about yourself: (Please include your expectations from partnering with VisionRO)
  1. The Facebook account that will be given to us must be legitimate, and so should the Facebook Page used to stream VisionRO. Make sure to please include other Facebook Streaming Pages that you have just in case there are other pages being used. STRICTLY NO TROLL ACCOUNTS!

  2. You can be a CURRENT streamer with a handful, a hundred or a thousand followers, OR you can be an ASPIRING streamer with not followers that would like to use VisionRO as your foundation platform to start your streaming journey. Let us give mutual support in growing your page, and VisionRO.

Benefits of a Streamer
  • Streamer Code: You will receive your own streamer code that players can use while claiming their donation. Everytime a player uses your code, you will receive 3% of the donation amount they made. It can be converted by Donation Coupon or Real Cash.

  • Weekly View Rewards: You will receive different kinds of rewards depending on how many views you accumulate weekly.

45106 1 Facebook Cap (Costume)
40202 1 Streamer Megaphone
40204 30 Streamer Giveaway Box
40001 100 Credit
40153 25 Thunder Box [10]
40152 50 Yggdrasil Berry Box [10]
40153 25 Thunder Box [10]
40203 5 Streamer Ticket
40001 50 Credit
40151 100 Yggdrasil Seed Box [10]
40152 100 Yggdrasil Berry Box [10]
40153 50 Thunder Box [10]
40203 10 Streamer Ticket
40001 100 Credit
40151 200 Yggdrasil Seed Box [10]
40152 200 Yggdrasil Berry Box [10]
40153 100 Thunder Box [10]
40203 15 Streamer Ticket
40001 150 Credit
40004 1 Costume Ticket
40151 300 Yggdrasil Seed Box [10]
40152 300 Yggdrasil Berry Box [10]
40153 150 Thunder Box [10]
40203 20 Streamer Ticket
40001 200 Credit
40004 2 Costume Ticket
40005 1 Job Ticket
40151 400 Yggdrasil Seed Box [10]
40152 400 Yggdrasil Berry Box [10]
40153 200 Thunder Box [10]
40203 25 Streamer Ticket
40001 250 Credit
40004 3 Costume Ticket
40005 1 Job Ticket
40151 500 Yggdrasil Seed Box [10]
40152 500 Yggdrasil Berry Box [10]
40153 250 Thunder Box [10]
  • Viewers' Monthly Rewards: There would be rewards as well for viewers of your Streams! This time we have prepared gifts for top subscribers and top star senders!

40205 3 Streamer Subscription Box
40206 3 Streamer Star Sender Box

Streamer Benefits are subject to change without prior notice.

Again, please make sure to send us your requirements if our streaming program has reached your interest at